Monday, November 12, 2007

The Grand Idea

Here's the idea. I have one. It is a place for ideas to stew and ferment into rich flavours that tantalize minds, create bursts of emotion in hearts and leaves a lingering aftertaste of yearning for more, please.

It is also a place where ideas that cannot be worked out now are carved into little digital niches that anyone and everyone is free to pick up and explore on their own.

Welcome to a safe haven where there is no need to be positive or profound. Worse still, politically correct. The norm is not sacred and we need not respect it. Instead, we find in the general, very specifically foolish philosophy and of course, a great herd of sheep following a great deal of shepherds, guided by a whole lot of stars simply because there is a great herd of sheep following a great deal of shepherds guided by a whole lot of stars. And all this while, never noticing the street signs that point to "home".

Well well, how about that?

1 comment:

jasmi said...

Looking back at this entry... I have no idea where the last 6 lines came from and where they're headed. haha..