Thursday, December 6, 2007

And then I ran out of ideas.. haha... but here's a little sump'n sump'n that hit me in Melbourne.

Life without music is like salad with no dressing. There are textures sounds, smells, colours but where there is no music, there is no mood or ambience. Life has no context. Music tells you in a heartbeat if the cacophony of stimuli assaulting your senses is a wedding or funeral, party or demonstration.

But proponents of 'real life experience' needn't haul out your rule book on How-to-live-Life yet. I'm not proposing we all retreat into a world of OSTs where we indulge in our own fantasy world and shut out reality and relations. Music doesn't Life make, obviously, but it makes Life that much better.

A person who truly loves life can never abandon the nitty gritty that makes Life what it is. But neither will she or he ignore the opportunity to enhance the living experience. And as Life would have it, we now have the means to have the proverbial cake and eat it.

The beauty of portable personal sound system (like the brand new Clix2 yours truly is using at the mo) is that one gets the best of both worlds! With capacities reaching 160GB, one will always have a tune on hand (or hip pocket) that captures the essence of his or her circumstance. What makes it perfect is the portable speakers that lets you share that music with everyone around. There isn't a better way to live life.

Unless, of course, you throw in a hot coffee with your music and a good write to get inspired by.


Edit : I have to work on this abit more. Feels like a very tedious read now =(